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7 Alleged instances of Israel violating International Law amidst Israel-Hamas War

Israel's control and settlement activities in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip face widespread criticism as potential breaches of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.The continuous construction and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, along with the blockade imposed on Gaza since 2007, lead to allegations of violating international humanitarian law. The blockade severely restricts the movement of goods and people, impacting the daily lives of Palestinians.Military operations, such as Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009) and Protective Edge (2014) in Gaza, have been criticized for disproportionate use of force and causing civilian casualties.The annexation of East Jerusalem after the 1967 Six-Day War lacks international recognition, with the United Nations deeming it a violation of international law.Israel's disregard for various UN resolutions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is alleged, along with the construction of the West Bank barrier, considered illegal by the International Court of Justice.The treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including administrative detentions, is a cause for international concern, with accusations of violations of human rights and international legal standards.Allegations of extrajudicial killings by Israeli security forces during confrontations with Palestinians raise concerns about Israel's compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law. Individuals held without charge or trial face criticism for potential violations of due process rights and international legal standards.

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